Friday, May 2, 2014

name variations for Hetu and Mominee


Aitu, Catean, Eats, Eatue, Estu, Eteau (often misindexed as Etean), Ethu, Ethue, Ethus, Etieu, Etne, Etteim, Etu, Etue, Etus, Heetu, Hestue, Hethu, Hettue, Hetue, Hetus


Montminy, Aumeny, Demontmenil , Demontmeny, Demontmesnil, Demontminy, Dumomesnil, Lomenil, Momeni, Momenie, Momenil, Momenis, Momeny, Momini, Mominie, Mominy, Mommeny, Momminy, Mommy, Momni, Momnies, Momny, Momy, Moneny, Monmagni, Monmeni, Monemnie, Monmenies, Monmenil, Monmenis, Monmenny, Monmeny, Monmigny, Monmini, Monminie, Monminies, Monminit, Monminy, Monmisnil, Montmagny, Montmany, Montmeni, Montmenie, Montmenil, Montmeny, Montmini, Montminie, Montminil, Montminy, Nomini, and Omni


Now, just a word about the name Mominee and Momineetown from Don Momenee, Toledo Magazine (Sunday Supplement to the Blade Newspaper) November 18-24, 1990. Momeneetown is now known as Oregon, Lucas, Ohio.

  "Momenee, Mominee, or Momany, we all are sort of related.  The name was derived from the French Montmesnil, and the original families came from the Rouen area of France.  You can see the Lucas county version of the name is a far cry from that.
  "Apparently early members migrated to Quebec and then to the marshy areas of Monroe County, Mich., where they were trappers and hunters as well as farmers."  

Don Momenee, Toledo Magazine (Sunday Supplement to the Blade Newspaper) Nov 18-24,1990.


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